
Pics from Books of Wonder Signing

Sorry about the quality of the pics, everybody - I had to set my digicam to virtual 400 ASA to get decently-lit pics, even w/a flash, which is why they came out looking grainy. This pic here comes from the discussion that preceded the signing - Peter Glassman stanidng on the far left owns Books of Wonder, Tammy's sititng next to him, sitting next to her is Laura Anne Gilman (editor and author of The Grail series), and Tui T. Sutherland (author of the Avatars series).

Unusually for Books of Wonder, Peter had short readings and a Q&A sessions prior to the signage - in the past, the authors have just shown up and signed books.

If you've seen the Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan movie YOU'VE GOT MAIL, you may recognize the exterior of Books of Wonder as being the store Meg Ryan's character owned. Thankfully, unlike in the movie Books of Wonder is alive, well and recently expanded to include a coffee and dessert bar inside (which I don't have any pictures of, more's the pity!).

After the Q&A, the fans lined up for get their books signed. Not wanting to be in the way, I was in the coffee bar talking with some of the Sheroes gang, and a few people interested in how writing comics was different than writing books - as well as our best bud, Raquel, who still lives in NYC.

Peter said overall it was a good event - Tammy, as usual after a big public appearance, was so wiped she could barely eat dinner....


Tammy and I are in NYC - and then onto Boston!

Yesterday, after spending most of the day dealing with replacement tires, printing out business cards and picking up prescriptions, Tammy and I drove from Syracuse to NYC for the first leg of her millipede of a Fall tour. She'll be doing a signing this evening from 5 - 7 PM at Books of Wonder along with Laura Anne Gilman and Tui T. Sutherland. If I can, I'll take and post pictures from the event here - but since I'm just learning how this blogging thing works, I can't promise anything....

This morning when I picked up my e-mail, I discovered that several items I'd hoped to put on Tammy's site before leaving had just come through - so I did a major upgrade...on my laptop...before coffee.... You can go to her site (tamorapierce.com) for all that, plus her (jawdropping!) Fall Schedule - or here's a quick rundown, if you actually make it here first:

- The podcast (or "netcast", as Leo Laporte prefers to call them) Marvel did between Tammy, our editor Ruwan Jayatilleke and I, and several members of the comic book media (including Jennifer Contino of PULSE e-zine) is finally up! You can listen to it right here.

- Tammy's being feted (on a Greek salad?) in Boston this weekend, along with Judith Viorst, Andrew Clements and Timothy Ering (I did a start when I read that the first time, as his last name looks like a frequent misspelling of my middle name!), at the Eighth Annual Literary Lights for Children Event Sunday afternoon. I promised one of the organizers I'd mention tickets are still on sale ($50 adults, $25 children) for the event itself (call
617-536-3886 for more details), or the booksigning at the Boston Public Library afterwards is absolutely free. I'll try and take/post pics of that here, too....

- Webcomic writer/illustrator/publisher (and longtime Tamora Pierce fan) Molly Durst has written a brief "How to Get Published in Comics" article for Tammy's site. Check it out - but be advised her webcomic isn't for the parents of younger teens.... ;)

- In the "good news/bad news" department: Ruwan sent me the full-color "reveal" splash page of Angela in her White Tiger costume for the first time, including dialogue balloon (which looks really great!). Unfortunately, he sent it in PDF format, and for some reason that eludes me my copy of PhotoShop CS2 won't allow me to strip out the image and post it as a JPEG! (There's a workaround in PS Album, but the image comes out as a negative image,and inverting the colors makes them look...wan....) But if you want the 1 MB-plus PDF, here it is....

Well, I'm off to take some pictures of Riverside Park, Grant's Tomb and Midtown so Phil has reference pictures when he draws the appropriate pages. If you make it to Books of Wonder tonight, say "Hi" - I'm the middle-aged bald guy in the red polo shirt and dark houndstooth tweed jacket.... :)



I just created this so I could log onto Blogger

Don't get excited, anyone. I don't know when I'll get a chance to blog,

Tim Liebe
Dreaded Spouse-Creature of Tamora Pierce
- and co-writer of Marvel's upcoming White Tiger comic